Apr 6, 2009

First VN Families Updated

48 new "first" VN families have been added to the VNFA website. First families are those that cannot yet be connected to a larger VN tree. If you recognize any of these first VNs please get in touch!

  • Abraham VAN ARNUM, b. est. 1750-?. Spouse: Margraet COOL / KOOL / CULL. Lived in New York
  • Abraham VAN NORMAN, b. 1807-aft 1850. Spouse: ? HOLMSTEAD. Lived in Ontario
  • Abraham VAN NORMAN, b. 1865-?. Spouse: Elizabeth COOPER. Lived in Michigan
  • Abraham VAN NORNUM, b. 1744-1830. Spouse: Margaret COLE. Lived in New York
  • Abram VAN NORMAN, b. est 1850. Spouse: Maggie HOFF. Lived in Michigan
  • Aeltje VAN AERNAM, b. c1740-?. Spouse: Johannes D. GROESBECK. Lived in New York
  • Alan VAN NORMAN, b. c1920-?. Spouse: ? HAMILL. Lived in California
  • Albert H. VAN NORMAN, b. 1874-1942. Spouse: Elizabeth METZGER. Lived in Ohio
  • Albert VAN AERMAN, b. 1847-?. Spouse: Hiretta "Ettie". Lived in New York, Kansas
  • Alexander VANNORMAN, b. 1874-?. Spouse: Mable BOWEN. Lived in Canada, Michigan
  • Alfred VAN ARNAM, b. est 1800-?. Spouse: Maria HIJBER. Lived in New York, Pennsylvania
  • Andrew S. VAN NORMAN, b. 1844-?. Spouse: Charlotte. Lived in New York, Pennsylvania
  • Anna Maria VANORNUM, b. c1810-1892. Spouse: John ASSELSTINE. Lived in Ontario
  • Anne VAN NORMAN, b. 1798-1870. Spouse: Zenas DAFOE. Lived in Ontario
  • Archibald VAN ORMAN, b. 1823-?. Spouse: Clarissa. Lived in New York
  • Benjamin VAN AERNAM, b. 1800-?. Spouse: Margaret BEEBE. Lived in New York
  • Benjamin VANNORMAN, b. 1790-?. Spouse: Jane. Lived in Ontario
  • Charles Clarence VAN NORMAN, b. 1866-?. Spouse: Emma Shock FRITZINGER. Lived in New Jersey, Pennsylvania
  • Charles H. VAN ARNAM, b. 1848-?. Spouse: Theresa. Lived in New York
  • Charles T. VAN NORMAN, b. 1835-bef 1880. Spouse: Anna Maria HART. Lived in New York
  • Charles Tobias VAN OMMEN, b. 1790-?. Spouse: . Lived in Holland, New York
  • Charles VAN ORMAN, b. 1840-?. Spouse: Martha J.. Lived in Ohio, Missouri
  • Charles VAN ORNAM, b. 1826-1876. Spouse: Almira GOWIN. Lived in New York, Pennsylvania
  • Daniel Dudley VANORNAM, b. 1810-1866. Spouse: Harriet Frances ROSS. Lived in New York, Iowa
  • Daniel VANORMAN, b. est 1860-?. Son: Ernest D. VANORMAN. Lived in Michigan
  • David VAN ORMAN, b. 1832-?. Spouse: Sarah M.. Lived in New York, Pennsylvania
  • Edward VAN NORMAN, b. 1835-?. Lived in New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois
  • Eliza Jane VAN ORNUM, b. Est 1870. Spouse: Thomas HOPKINS. Lived in New York? Wisconsin?
  • Eliza VAN ARMEN, b. 1799-1888. Spouse: Amos DAMON. Lived in New York, Ohio
  • Engelbert VAN NAMEN, b. Est 1620. Son: Joachem Engelbert VAN NAMEN b. 1646 in Belgium. Lived in Belgium, New York
  • Ephraim VANORMAN, b. 1814-?. Spouse: Sarah. Lived in New York
  • Esger VAN ARMIN, b. 1847-?. Spouse: Catherine. Lived in New York
  • F. Harold VAN ORMAN, b. 1884-?. Spouses: Harriet HODGINI & Kitty CLARK. Lived in ?
  • F.S. VAN ORNUM, b. est 1845. Spouse: M.L.. Lived in Ohio
  • Francis VAN ORMAN, b. 1846-?. Spouse: Sarah Jane. Lived in New York
  • Frank VAN ARNHEM, b. 1886-?. Spouse: Matilda Lillie DURANT. Lived in Ohio
  • Frank VAN ORMAN, b. 1852-?. Spouse: Lorena. Lived in Wisconsin
  • Garrett VAN ORMAN, b. 1802-1863. Spouse: Elizabeth CARLTON. Lived in Ontario
  • George VANORMAN, b. 1872-?. Spouse: Lucy McDONALD. Lived in Pennsylvania
  • Jacob J. VAN ORNUM, b. 1783-?. Possible son: Christian VAN NORMAN. Lived in New York
  • Jacob T. VAN AERMAN, b. 1810-?. Spouse: Isabella. Lived in New York
  • James VANNORMAN, b. 1802-?. Spouse: Phebe or Mariah. Lived in Pennsylvania
  • John T. VAN ARNUM, b. 1840-1893. Spouse: Caroline A. WOOD. Lived in New York, Wisconsin
  • Philip VAN ORMAN, b. 1860-bef 1903. Spouse: Beatrice Caldonie BURROWS. Lived in Ontario, Michigan
  • Unknown VAN AERNAM, b. Est 1770. Spouse: Lydia. Children: Jacob & Catharine b. 1792-1795. Lived in New York
  • Unknown VAN NORMAN, b. est 1770. Children: Susannah & Ann b. 1790-1795. Lived in Ontario
  • Wilbur Gerald VANORMAN, b. 1917-1973. Spouse: June Evelyn DUNWORTH. Lived in Michigan
  • William H. VAN ORMAN, b. 1824-?. Spouse: Keziah. Lived in New York

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